Rafael Hernández
Dual Language School
P.S. / I.S. 218
Grades K-8
NYCPS Updates
Stay informed with updates and announcements from NYCPS including access to the NYCPS Twitter feed.
Remote Learning
Access help with all aspects of Remote Learning including assistance with Google Classroom and NYCPS Services.
Family Resources
Explore the many valuable resources, events and public services available to New York City parents.
Covid-19 Info
Read important information and receive Covid-19 related guidance from the NYC Department of Health.

- NYCPS 2024–2025 School Year Calendar
- NYCPS Messages to Families
- Emergency Broadband Benefit Program Information
- Información del programa de beneficios de banda ancha de emergencia

Families, Affordable Internet Program for New Yorkers!
More Info: Affordable Connectivity Program (nyc.gov)
Familias, Programas de Conectividad Asequible Para Neuyorkers!
Programa de conectividad asequible (nyc.gov)
“I believe that education is the civil rights issue of our generation. And if you care about promoting opportunity and reducing inequality, the classroom is the place to start. Great teaching is about so much more than education; it is a daily fight for social justice.”
~ Secretary Arne Duncan, October 9, 2009

Health and Wellness Guidance 2024-25
Report Cards, Transcripts and Summer School Letters
Accessing Important Student Information
Records Sharing Policy
As announced, schools must follow the Guidance for Sharing Student Records when distributing records during remote learning. In an effort to support families with accessing their records directly, the DOE will make certain documents available for students and families in NYC Schools Account (NYCSA) and Teach Hub 2.0 beginning the week of June 15. These documents will display as they become available.Student Records Access
DOE students can log into Teach Hub 2.0 and view unofficial copies of their own report cards, transcripts, and summer school letters. Note that access to Teach Hub 2.0 is only available to teachers and students. For guidance on accessing student accounts, see the Students Accounts page.Authorized adults can log into their NYCSA and view unofficial copies of their child’s report card, transcript, and summer school letter in the 'Student Documents' section. For guidance on how to log in to NYCSA, or how to support families with creating accounts using the Family Access Management tool (FAM), see the NYCSA/FAM Technical Guide.