School ID
P.S./I.S. 218 School I.D.

All K-8 Students are required to bring their schol ID card each school day. Initially, all students will receive a free ID card and ID cord. The second time, student will pay a fee.Arrival
Upon arrival, students are required to swipe in I.D. cards into the CAASS machine to record attendance. Failure to swipe I.D. card wil result in an absence.Early Pick-up
When student is picked up early, I.D. card must be swiped in CAASS machine.ID Cards
What if I have lost or misplaced my Student ID card and or my ID Cord? Replacement ID cards are $2.00.ID Cords
Replacement ID Cords are $1.00.To pay for a replacement student ID card and or ID Cord, stop by the Main Office, RM 202.
How do I swipe my school ID card in the CAASS machine?
ID card photo must be facing opposite your body. Then place ID card into the swiper firmly and swipe. Look at the monitor for your photo. If it is your birthday, the CAASS machine will sing Happy Birthday!

ID Swipe

ID Cord