From Our Principal

Dear Scholars, Staff and Families:

Welcome to the Rafael Hernández Dual Language School website. I am thrilled and honored to welcome you to our prestigious school.  Our commitment at P.S./I.S. 218 is to work in partnership with our scholars, families, community stakeholders and staff to provide a safe and intellectually challenging academic environment.  Our scholars are also inspired to become innovative thinkers who will go on to solve complex social and academic problems, set the world on motion, and make significant contribution to society and beyond.

At P.S./I.S. 218 scholars are emerged in our Dual Language programs from kindergarten to the eighth grade.  Our mission is to instruct scholars in two languages, English and Spanish in order for them to strive in a growing diverse global community. 

Achieving educational equity is an incessant process of assessment, reflection, and continuous improvement. Equity work will aid to build bridges between educators and scholars, families, and community partners.  

The purpose of this webpage is to provide families, scholars, and our school community with easy access to a wealth of information on our P.S./I.S. 218 programs, policies, activities, and DOE resources.

Therefore, I am excited and honored to welcome you to our virtual school community! We are a dedicated staff that is very passionate about our scholars’ social-emotional and academic needs. It is our mission to inspire and educate scholars to achieve to their full potential. Our mission is captured in our motto: “Building Biliteral Autonomous Learners through student-centered instruction.”

I look forward to partnering with you as we are building the future leaders of our society for a better equitable and just world.

In conclusion, I wish you all a wonderful school year. If I can be of any assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me and know that my door is always open. We are here to serve you!

Dr. S. Caceres



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